
The Historic Timber Industry of the Pacific Northwest lives on through the creation of quality timber homes & components sourced from local forests and mills


The classic look of timber construction is the driving force behind our home design. The historic construction techniques of timber framing have been around for thousands of years. SAH Consulting brings these principals of the past into modern home design not only for their charm, but also for the structural integrity. 

"It's really hard to go wrong with timber and stone..." 

-Scott Hill



We specialize in helping owners build their own homes. This includes on-site consulting, as well as consulting by phone. A copy of approved, engineered stamped plans are required for all consulting work. 

Timber Brackets

We are excited about the emerging demand for timber brackets, used on stick framed homes and cabins as well as timber homes.

Engineer Stamped Timber Trusses

Involving us in the design phase helps us achieve your desired look for both structural and asthetic trusses. 

Complete Timber Framed Structures

SAH Consulting is now offering complete timber packages that we will cut and ship to your location. 

SAH Consulting, LLC

Orofino, Idaho 83544


(440) 773-5583

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